Traffic Secrets by Russell Brunson-Clickfunnels


Every successful business thrives on traffic to grow and function properly regardless of the field. Your business needs to make sales, and you can’t do that without attracting customers. Your business cannot move forward if people are unaware and do not patronize it, so what is your solution? It’s pretty simple. Your solution is to implement traffic generation secrets that draw traffic which brings us to the next question. How do I draw traffic to my business?

Well, good news, you can learn this method for free. Why, you ask? Well, it’s because Russell Brunson, co-founder of Clickfunnels and the creator of this freebie, says so. Are you psyched? If your answer is yes, let’s dive into the specifics of this freebie- Traffic Secrets by Russell Brunson and its comparison with a competing brand.


What You Should Know About Web Traffic

Web traffic is the data of visitors you get on your website directly translating to the numbers without including bots. In simple words, it’s the statistics of people visiting your page either intentionally or redirected via an external link. Now, you need the public to be aware of your business and attract them to get their attention by a free traffic funnel.

The more you attract, the more your traffic increases, but this procedure is incomplete since it doesn’t end there. You have to keep them coming back, and this results in increasing daily traffic for your business. However, you will only achieve your goal if you convert the increased traffic into paying customers by following Russell Brunson courses. Here is where the book Traffic secrets by Russell Brunson – Clickfunnels comes in.


What Traffic Secrets Freebie Offers You


Traffic secrets by Russell Brunson


The book “Traffic secrets” is exposed to you 20 traffic generation secrets for any business. These 20 secrets are categorically grouped into three sections to help you understand them better and faster. But before reading these traffic secrets, we would recommend you to know the sales funnel secret available in Russell Brunson courses to have a clear view of the book. The three sections which Traffic secrets have been divided into are:

  • Your dream customer
  • Fill out your funnel
  • Growth hacking


Your Dream Customer

The first part of Traffic secrets by Russell Brunson with the highest priority is to help you learn everything about your target market. You can’t sell or bring a free traffic funnel if you can’t identify the four essential questions surrounding your customers, linking them to you. You need to understand the answers to these questions:

  • What is the product I am offering?
  • Who is your target market?
  • Where are these customers hiding?
  • How can you attract them unfailingly?

Once you get your answers to these questions with the help of the Traffic generation secrets, you learn the extra secrets. These secrets are discovering the best type of traffic, the existence of an invisible free traffic funnel, and getting loyal promoters. The first seven secrets you learn make up the first section, “your dream customer.”


Fill Your Funnel

The second section of Traffic secrets by Russell Brunson teaches you to populate your funnel with free and organic traffic. By implementing these funnel secrets with the powerful conversion sales funnel builder known as Clickfunnels, you get to draw traffic everywhere. By compiling traffic generation secrets 8 to 15, this section exposes getting tons of free and consistent traffic to your free traffic funnel. You learn patterns from other platforms and websites, including the several social media platforms commonly used. Secrets on riding new traffic trends like waves, dominating them, and leveraging search engines are also included. Your recipe to maximize your secret book funnel after discovering your target market will be complete, and the next thing is to grow.


Growth Hacking

Here, at this point, you will finally get the boost in traffic that you need after implementing the secrets above. The third and final section of Traffic secrets by Russell Brunson enlightens you about the secrets to achieving exponential growth. Exposing the last 5 traffic generation secrets teaches creating a landing page that attracts PR agencies and their traffic. The good news is: you also get the same set of successful outlines which Clickfunnels use for their pages. Strategies to help you tap into other distribution channels, get new audiences and convert them into active, loyal patrons.


The best benefit is you get to learn all for free, in one place. Isn’t that awesome?


Competitor Comparison Between Clickfunnels and Kartra

Kartra and Clickfunnels are two competing brands as sales funnel builders who offer services for business marketing. However, Clickfunnels has proven to be superior to its competitors in results and products, aiding user success. Unlike Kartra, which offers only sales building and marketing services, Clickfunnels goes the extra mile to assist the users. One of the many ways is the creation of Traffic generation secrets to put users on the right path. Implementing the traffic secrets by Russell Brunson in this book with Clickfunnels, your business gets to enjoy a boost.


comparison graph between Clickfunnels Vs Kartra

The best part of the good news is Clickfunnels offers this and similar products free to every interested person. You definitely can’t get this offer anywhere else or with any other brand regardless of who they are. That’s not all; you also get 5 amazing bonuses when you reach out for the Traffic secrets by Russell Brunson. Here is a list of extra freebies you can get along with this special freebie:

Traffic secrets Foundations

A bonus video training session with over 4 hours filling your funnel with your dream customers, including past live recordings.

Unfair Advantage

Learn about the process of scaling traffic using videos directly from your smartphone from a contributor, Dean Graziosi.

How to Make a Video Go Viral

Methods to create videos that impact your audience and leave them astonished enough to come searching for you.


The Ultimate Traffic Hack

Spread your publications across all platforms without losing time, energy, or canceling plans to achieve that.


30-Day Traffic Secret Challenge

A Kickstarter made up of practical to implement the knowledge of Traffic secrets into your business even as a newbie.


Clickfunnels offers you a life-changing opportunity with this product that includes traffic generation secrets for your business success. If you want to achieve the astonishing growth you seek, you shouldn’t hesitate to claim the products of Traffic Secrets By Russell Brunson. So why hesitate? It’s a freebie, so you should claim it quickly before you miss this one-time chance.